" ITEM72 | NEWS_Nº01 | DEZ2016 "

A ITEM72 | NEWS é um PDFzine que pretende difundir informação, cultura, arte e entretenimento.
Idealizado e produzido por alexHORNEST - pintor, escultor e multimídia conhecido também como ONESTO por realizar Intervenções Urbanas/Graffitis pelas ruas do Brasil e do Mundo desde 1992.
ITEM72 | NEWS is a PDFzine which aims to disseminate information, culture, art and entertainment.
Idealized and produced by alexHORNEST - painter, sculptor and multimedia also known as ONESTO for performing Interventions Urban/Graffiti on the streets of Brazil and the world since 1992.
Colaboradores / Contributors:
_ Ruy Fraga
_ Fábio Biofa
_ Claudio Ethos
_ OTito e Meduza (Família 2 Mil / Rapto)
_ Zeis
_ Disjuntor Mooca (Monica e Mozart Fernandes)
_ Thiagos Goms
_ 03em01films
_ Clarissa Piveta
_ Bastardilla
_ Thais Ueda
_ Fedos (Real Vida Suja)
_ Nato (Turma do Burrifa)
_ Diego Camacho (Evola)
_ Bazar 220 Volts
Nesta primeira edição / In this first edition:
. BIOFA e ONESTO em cinquenta tons de cinza pelas lentes de Ruy Fraga
. 03em01films convida THIAGO GOMS para ilustrar um novo kit03em01
. expo “ Apenas O que Os Porcos Conseguem Digerir ” de ALEX HORNEST no Disjuntor Mooca até 18/NOV
. no ar a LOJA VIRTUAL da ITEM72ForCollectors
. novo zine sobre pixo, tag, throw-up, piece e vandalismo: KORROZIVO
. epílogo#02 da ITEM72|TeleVision
. mercado Disjuntor
. bazar 220 Voltz no Glicério
Son Lux - "Easy"
Ryan Lott, known by his stage name Son Lux, is an American musician who was born in Denver, Colorado, United States, and is based in New York. He has released four albums, two EPs and a handful of singles, his most recent album Bones appeared in June 2015. He is also a member of Sisyphus and has featured on one album and an EP with this trio. Additionally Lott has scored the soundtracks for a number of films, most notably Paper Towns (2015) and The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby (2013). In late 2014 he signed with Glassnote Records after previously being with Joyful Noise Recordings.